Passengers Business Foreign Trade Zone
68° 9:06AM (MDT)
Tuesday, Mar. 25 - 9:06AM (MDT)
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What is a FTZ?

It is a designated site in the United States, in or near U.S. Customs port of entry, where merchandise is generally considered to be outside U.S. customs territory. Under procedures, foreign and domestic merchandise may be admitted into zones for operations such as storage, exhibition, assembly, manufacture, and processing, without being subject to formal Customs entry procedures, the payment of Customs duties or federal excise taxes. When merchandise is removed from a Foreign-Trade Zone, Customs duties may be eliminated if the goods are exported from the United States. If the merchandise formally enters into U.S. commerce, Customs duties and excise taxes are due at the time of transfer from the Foreign-Trade Zone.

Types of Foreign-Trade Zones

General-Purpose Zone: State or local governments and port authorities typically operate general-purpose zones. They involve public facilities that can be used by more than one firm, and are most commonly ports or industrial parks used by small to medium sized businesses for warehousing/distribution, inspection, exhibition, and some processing/assembly.

Sub zone: Sub zones, on the other hand, are sponsored by general-purpose zones, but typically involve a single firm's site which is used for more extensive manufacturing/processing or warehousing/distribution that cannot easily be accomplished in a general-purpose zone. Sub-zones must be located at or near a port of entry. Sub zones require the approval of the Grantee.

Distribution Uses

In Foreign-Trade Zone 68 distributors may:

Manufacturing Uses

In Foreign-Trade Zone 68 manufacturers may:

Temporary/Interim Manufacturing Authority (T/IM)
If a project is located in a designated zone site and meets the eligibility criteria, a company can apply for T/IM authority for a period of up to two years. A decision on T/IM cases is usually made within 75 days, and an application for permanent authority can be made during the two year period.

El Paso International Airport

El Paso International Airport El Paso International Airport Land Development Forign Trade Zone