Passengers Business Foreign Trade Zone
68° 9:25AM (MDT)
Tuesday, Mar. 25 - 9:25AM (MDT)
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About FTZ

Going Green

Foreign-Trade Zone 68 supports the City of El Paso's effort to keep El Paso beautiful and promote sustainability efforts. As part of this effort we provide a list of approved recycling facilities that adheres to our requirements for providing a Certificate of Destruction and any other proof of destruction that CBP or the Operator may require. Thus, reducing the load on our landfills and helping our economy grow stronger in sustaining jobs.

The companies listed below cooperate with CBP and the City in meeting regulatory requirements for destroying obsolete or scrap goods by assisting FTZ businesses to recycle most goods while complying with environmental laws.


Border Trading, Inc.

Border Trading, Inc.

1011 Hawkins Blvd
El Paso, TX 79915
(915) 775-2544

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Fortune Plastic & Metal

Fortune Plastic & Metal

1119 Pendale
El Paso, TX 79907
(915) 791-0007

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Lucero Scrap, LLC

Lucero Scrap, LLC

10717 Alameda
El Paso, TX 79927
(915) 872-9880

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W. Silver Recycling Inc.

W. Silver Recycling Inc.

1720 Magoffin Ave.
El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 532-5643

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Lopez Scrap Metal, Inc.

Lopez Scrap Metal, Inc.

351 N. Nevarez
El Paso, TX 79927
(915) 859-0770

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Shapiro Metals

Shapiro Metals

206 Dodge Road
El Paso, TX 79915
(915) 881-1991

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Discover Recycling

Discover Recycling

3845 Durazno
El Paso, TX 79905
(915) 544-8414

El Paso International Airport

El Paso International Airport El Paso International Airport Land Development Forign Trade Zone